Above: 1925 map of Harris, showing ‘Lot 8’ (Bays of Harris Estate), when Lord Leverhulme’s Isle of Harris (including Berneray) was sub-divided into ten lots in preparation for a sell-off following his death.
The Bays of Harris Estate, incorporating the second largest part of the island of Harris after North Harris, was purchased by the Hitchcock family on 23 March 1926 and remains in their ownership. The land available for sale, if an acceptable price can be negotiated with the owners, extends to 33,870 acres and includes sporting rights, mineral rights, the foreshore and some offshore islands. The owners are of the view that if the overall majority of Estate residents vote in favour of a buyout, this would apply to all of its constituent parts, however the people resident in particular sub-areas might have voted.
Geography and demographics
The Estate has three constituent parts – Bays, Northton and Berneray – and comprises 26 separate crofting townships with a total of 274 individual crofts and an additional 43 agricultural allotments at Borve on Berneray. Since 1926 it is estimated there have been circa 540 “break-offs” from the original estate – land and properties that have been sold and are now freehold. The crofts range in size from a few acres to over 100 acres with access to common grazings. The Estate is in an area classified as fragile since the HIDB/HIE first created Fragile Areas maps in 1987 and is within the 30% most deprived rural data zones in Scotland based on employment, income, out-migration and access to services.

Recent history
In 2012, a series of public meetings were held to gauge the community’s interest in investigating the viability of a Bays of Harris Estate buyout. A huge majority of those present were in favour of appointing a steering group to look into the practicalities of the community taking on ownership of the Estate..
After a decade of hard work, a Feasibility Study and Business Plan was published in 2022 and indicated that ownership of the Bays of Harris Estate was not only financially viable (average annual income into the estate is in excess of £80k per year), but would offer significant potential for various projects such as affordable housing, local employment, provision of business spaces, community projects and crofting developments.
2022: the ballot
In September 2022, residents of the estate were given the opportunity to vote on whether they were in favour of taking on ownership of the estate.
63% voted in favour of a buyout (turnout was 70%). Since then, work has continued to push the buyout process forward.

Bays of Harris Community Estate Ltd (a company limited by guarantee) was formed in July 2023. An interim board of directors, made up of representatives from across the estate, are working to take things to the point of purchase, after which there will be elections to ensure a democratic and accountable election of board members to move things to the next stage.